Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 This August, KEITH STARTED KINDERGARTEN!!  When did he get to be such a big boy?  When did all this happen?  I tell ya, he was just a tiny baby a few days ago, and now he's 5 1/2 years old and going to school!  They put the class lists on the inside of the glass - smart in case of inclimate weather, not so great for proud mommies taking pictures.  You can see me and Kiersten in the window... using that ring sling again!  And Keith is there in the orange shirt, too!

We got to go into his classroom... this did NOT impress me.  Luckily, when we went in for Kindergarten testing the next week, I was unable to withhold my concern over this and it was fixed by the next time we went into the classroom.

First Day of Kindergarten

We were among the first to get to school, so I let Mitchell play on the playground with Keith.  Outside the school, there is a large fenced in playground especially for the Kindergartners.  The classrooms all open up into this area so they can play before/after school and also for recess.

Just before going into the school.

My baby boy leaving school happy!

Our next door neighbor, who is also in afternoon kindergarten, though in the other classroom.  Mitchell wanted in on the picture, too!
To the left is Kalli's sister, Kymbr.  She started school a week earlier but it was fun to get all 4 of the kiddos in a picture anyway!

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